Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wah.. Jupe Mimpi Pacaran Sama Briptu Norman

Pesona Briptu Norman Kamaru ikut dirasakan Julia Perez (Jupe). Bahkan, Jupe mengaku sampai bermimpi bertemu dengan polisi yang mendadak terkenal akibat aksi lypsincnya di YouTube.
JAKARTA - Pesona Briptu Norman Kamaru ikut dirasakan Julia Perez (Jupe). Bahkan, Jupe mengaku sampai bermimpi bertemu dengan polisi yang mendadak terkenal akibat aksi lypsincnya di YouTube.

"Wah, Briptu Norman itu seperti brain wash benaran deh. Siang nonton dia, pagi malam nonton dia lagi. Malah gue sampai mimpi tadi, masa gue mimpi pacaran sama dia," beber kekasih Gaston Castano ini ditemui di Gedung BNN, Cawang, Jakarta, Selasa (14/4/2011).

Tak bisa dipungkiri jika Norman telah menarik perhatian siapa saja, setelah video-nya muncul di Youtube. Dimana pun dia berada ada saja yang meminta berfoto bareng dia.

Saat ditemui di Studio 1 Dahsyat RCTI, pagi ini, Norman mengaku malu mendapat sambutan banyak penggemar perempuan. Meski demikian, dia mengaku cukup senang jika sekarang mendapat banyak penggemar dan juga dengan senang hati mau melayani permintaan para penggemarnya untuk foto bareng.

"Saya pernah sampai dicubit-cubit tuh pipinya kemarin. Enggak apa-apa sih tapi sebenernnya yang paling enggak kuat itu kalau disuruh foto-foto, soalnya bikin mata pusing, hehehe..," ungkap Norman.

Briptu Norman muncul di tengah kebosanan masyarakat akan hiburan. Fenomena ini sama seperti munculnya Shinta-Jojo yang juga dikenal masyarakat lewat YouTube.

MSN Indonesia
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Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a common skin condition, caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland, via androgen stimulation. It is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, blemishes, spots, zits, or simply acne.

Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 89% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. The cause in adolescence is generally an increase in male sex hormones, which people of both genders accrue during puberty. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear - or at the very least decrease - after one reaches one's early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will carry this condition well into their thirties, forties and beyond.

The face and upper neck are the most commonly affected, but the chest, back and shoulders may have acne as well. The upper arms can also have acne, but lesions found there are often keratosis pilaris, not acne. Typical acne lesions are comedones, inflammatory papules, pustules and nodules. Some of the large nodules were previously called "cysts" and the term nodulocystic has been used to describe severe cases of inflammatory acne.

Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and, according to at least one study, depression or suicide. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. Early and aggressive treatment is therefore advocated by some to lessen the overall impact to individuals.

Though it's often portrayed as a scourge of the teen years, acne can affect people of all ages. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), about 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 have outbreaks of the skin disorder at some point. "Many see their acne go away by the time they reach their 30s," says Jane Liedtka, a medical officer at the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). "But for some, acne persists into their 40s and 50s."
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Strawberries for prevention of esophageal cancer:

By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD

According to a preliminary study released Wednesday, strawberries have the potential to prevent esophageal cancer. Researchers, led by Ohio State University have shown that freeze-dried strawberries slowed the growth of dysplastic, or precancerous, lesions in about 30 people who consumed the fruit for six months. Study's lead researcher, Tong Chen, an assistant professor in the oncology division of Ohio State University, presented the study at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting.

At present esophageal cancer or cancer of the food pipe is the third most common gastrointestinal cancer and the sixth most frequent cause of cancer death in the world, Dr. Chen said. About 16,000 new cases of esophageal cancer a year are diagnosed in the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society. Dr. Chen and colleagues are studying esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, the dominant type of esophageal cancer world-wide. They are looking at whether food or other substances might prevent cancer. Previous work showed that freeze-dried strawberries were able to significantly inhibit tumor development in rats.

For the present study the team designed a small study in humans and approached the California Strawberry Commission, which agreed to fund the study and make available the freeze-dried strawberries. The commission is a state agency funded by the strawberry industry. The team recruited 38 people in China who had mild-to-moderate dysplasia in the esophagus; 36 people completed the study. Biopsies of the esophagus were taken before and after the study. On average, patients were about 55 years old. Each participant consumed 30 grams of freeze-dried strawberries dissolved in a glass of water twice daily for a total of 60 grams a day for six months. Dr. Chen said the freeze-dried substance is about 10 times as concentrated as fresh strawberries, but suggested people could still benefit from eating whole strawberries on a daily basis.
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Toni Belum Ikut Bursa Calon Ketum PSSI

Sosok Ketua Umum (Ketum) Pengda PSSI Jawa Barat Toni Apriliani disebut-sebut ikut meramaikan bursa calon Ketum PSSI. Namun hal itu dibantah Toni setelah mengetahui kabar tersebut.
BANDUNG - Sosok Ketua Umum (Ketum) Pengda PSSI Jawa Barat Toni Apriliani disebut-sebut ikut meramaikan bursa calon Ketum PSSI. Namun hal itu dibantah Toni setelah mengetahui kabar tersebut.

"Kabar dari mana? Saya belum mencalonkan. Sejauh ini kita masih konsisten memberi dukungan pada pak George (Geroge Toisutta, red)," kata Toni, Selasa (12/4/2011). Sebagai Ketum PSSI Jabar, Toni mengaku saat ini dirinya masih berkonsolidasi dengan pemilik suara di Jabar termasuk diantaranya pengurus Pengcab.

"Kita belum mengambil sikap lain. Kalau seandainya saya dipercaya teman-teman pemegang suara lainnya, maka akan saya hormati dan hargai. Tapi belum ada pencalonan," jelas Toni.

Pengda Jabar bersikeras memberi dukungan pada George Toisutta. Bahkan, meski hingga saat ini Komite Normalisasi selaku tim yang ditunjuk FIFA untuk menyelesaikan masalah Kongres Calon Ketum PSSI, Toni mengaku masih menunggu keputusan terakhir.

"Karena belum ada ketegasan dari Komite Normalisasi yang kelihatan tidak konsisten. Seandai pak George maupun yang lain tidak boleh ikut bursa calon, maka kita akan berembuk lagi," terangnya.

Seperti diketahui, Ketua Normalisasi Agum Gumelar menyatakan, dirinya akan bertemu dengan Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter, 19 April mendatang. FIFA memang sudah melarang empat nama untuk mencalonkan diri menjadi Ketua Umum PSSI. Mereka adalah George Toisutta, Arifin Panigoro, Nirwan Bakrie dan Nurdin Halid. Tapi, untuk lebih pastinya, Agum akan bertemu dengan Blatter.

"Empat orang ini sudah dinyatakan FIFA tidak boleh dicalonkan lagi. Untuk lebih jelasnya tanggal 19 April nanti, saya akan bertemu langsung dengan Sepp Blatter (Presiden FIFA)," tegas Agum.

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Lini Tengah Barca Lebih Hebat dari Madrid

Sebagai seorang pemain, sosok Bernd Schuster pernah merasakan kerasnya persaingan antara Barcelona dan Real Madrid. Schuster saat masih merumput berposisi gelandang, pernah membela Barca dan juga Madrid.

Sebagai seorang pemain, sosok Bernd Schuster pernah merasakan kerasnya persaingan antara Barcelona dan Real Madrid. Schuster saat masih merumput berposisi gelandang, pernah membela Barca dan juga Madrid.

Schuster berkomentar tentang pertarungan laga El Clasico antara El Barca melawan El Real di Santiago Bernabeu, akhir pekan ini. Menurut pelatih asal Jerman ini, lini tengah Barca lebih superior daripada Madrid.

Pertarungan kedua El Clasico di La Liga musim ini adalah salah satu laga krusial kedua tim dalam waktu 18 hari, termasuk di perempatfinal dan semifinal Liga Champions.

"Semua orang tahu baha pemenang di musim ini akan ditentukan dua pekan lagi. Sabtu ini akan ada laga penting buat Real Madrid dan Barcelona. Tapi, bila Barca kalah ini bukanlah masalah besar sebab mereka masih unggul lima poin," jelas Schuster seperti dilansir sportinglife, Selasa (12/4/2011).

"Saya cukup yakin bahwa Madrid punya kesempatan mengalahkan Barca pekan ini. Tapi, saya tidak yakin jika Madrid bisa terus memelihara kemenangan dan bisa menyalip Barca di akhir musim," lanjut mantan pelatih Madrid ini.

Schuster juga tertarik membandingkan kekuatan kedua tim. Opininya, lini tengah Barca lebih kuat daripada Madrid.

"Keduanya memang memiliki jajaran pemain berkualitas dunia. Tapi, Barca lebih superior di lini tengah dengan adanya pemain kreatif seperti Xavi, Andres Iniesta dan Sergio Busquets. Ini yang membuat Barca sebagai tim terbaik," tutup Schuster.

Tim dengan markas di Camp Nou itu duduk di posisi puncak La Liga dengan perolehan 84 poin dari 31 laga. Sementara Madrid di posisi dua tapi tercecer delapan angka dengan Barcelona.

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Techmeme transforms as man meets machine

A popular news aggregator is ditching full automation and (shock) bringing in a human editor - but one leading expert recommends the hybrid approach.

You may be familiar with the tech news aggregator TechMeme, a site that pulls together clusters of breaking stories in the hi-tech world - like Google News on steroids. (If you're still looking for a primer, Jack profiled it - along with sister site Memeorandum - earlier this week).

Yesterday its creator, Gabe Rivera, shocked some followers by announcing that he was going to hire an editor for the site to help improve its coverage. "Guess what?" he wrote, "Automated news doesn't quite work". The reaction was fairly mixed, but some true believers weren't happy (TechCrunch's Michael Arrington called it a slippery slope that undermines objectivity, for example).
While Rivera was evasive when I asked him whether more direct human input would feed back into improving the algorithm, the question remains: since algorithms are designed by people, can any of them really be classed as objective anyway?
Fortunately I had the good fortune to be speaking to Jon Kleinberg, a computer science professor at Cornell and one of the world's leading experts on internet algorithms today - so I asked him about the relationship between man and machine.
Here's what he had to say:

"One interesting thing about designing algos in this world is that the world reacts to what you do," he told me. "Once people know they're being evaluated by an algorithm, they always try to reverse-engineer it. There's always this feedback loop which makes things very interesting."
"At the simplest level, it is worth pointing out that when you read Google News there isn't a human editor deciding what to show… it's the result of an algorithm. But the distinction blurs around the edges in many ways; the simplest being that these algorithms are designed by human beings who can change them and do change them regularly - and change them with an eye towards achieving certain, desired results."
"You see lots of systems where there's a kind of hybrid human and algorithmic process that's producing what you see," he said. "There are cases where humans and computers have complimentary strengths and can work together."
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